How to use Shadow Judo to improve Technique
Shadow Judo (Tandoku-Renshu) is used throughout Japan as a regular part of most judo training sessions. No surprise, really. Shadow Training, or Visualisation is a well know technique that has been used by sports psychologists for decades. It is highly effective. And perfect for improving your judo technique.
For nine exercises for solo judo training see this post.
I’m (written by Nik Fairbrother) a huge believer in shadow judo.
It’s such an easy skill to learn, and I can’t highlight just how useful it is for judoka of all levels and ages.
It is easy to add in to judo games and a good way to make judo lessons more fun.
Simply imagine you have an uke. You can do this ether by closing your eyes or if you feel safer keep your eyes open and visualising the movement. You can do shadow judo moving around the mat, or simply sit down close your eyes and picture the movement.
It’s an exercise that works well in warm ups when you are working on judo basics.
For more activities like this take a look at our Kids Judo Online Dojo.
Throwing Shadows Around the Dojo
You can of course do a million and one variations of Shadow Judo.
Attacking with all types of judo throws, as you move backwards, forwards, sidewards… in combination, as a counter…speed it up, slow it right down…try it left-handed, right-handed etc.
So, how useful is Shadow Judo?
Well that’s up to you.
The only limit to its uses, is your own imagination.
Your shadow (uke) will obey your every instruction.
It’s the best uke; never tiring or complaining. You can throw your shadow over and over again for beautiful ippons and your shadow will keep standing back up for more.
Or, if you let it, your shadow will fight back.
It can be bigger than you, faster than you, or weaker and slower.
Use shadow judo to practise a specific judo technique or a combination of throws like any of these in our advanced combination bundle of coaching resources.
Use it to improve grip fighting, to work through tactical situations and you can even use your shadow partner to help you master the art of randori.
Visit the Coaching Resources page.